PSG Holdings

How this Joint Venture is making an outstanding impact
The Garden Island Bayinguwa Delivery Team (GIBDT) is a joint venture between PSG Holdings (PSGH) and Lendlease. GIBDT are completing Stage One of the Garden Island (East) Critical Infrastructure Recovery Program for the Department of Defence. This $213 million project started its construction phase in October 2018 and is anticipated to be complete in February 2022.
PSGH was founded in 2011, specialising in commercial construction projects and cleaning solutions. It is 100% Indigenous owned and is proud of the fact that 30% of its employees are Indigenous. The vision of PSGH is “a successful Indigenous company achieving reconciliation through business.”
Lendlease is a tier-1 construction company specialising in construction, development and investment. In operation for over 60 years, Lendlease is a multi-national company with approximately 13,000 employees across operations in Australia, Asia, Europe and the Americas.
Troy Rugless, Director of PSGH said, “When we went to tender, we knew from Lendlease’s reputation that they would be a very strong contender. Their extensive previous experience on Defence projects immediately drew our interest as potential joint venture partners.”
Alli Devlin, Site Engineer at Lendlease explained “PSGH has a strong reputation as a leading Indigenous businesses in the construction industry, specialising in projects for state and federal governments. PSGH were appointed as the Managing Contractors for the planning and design phases of the Garden Island Stage 1 Cruiser and Oil Wharf Upgrade.”
Alli continued “For the final design and construction phases of the Project, PSGH and Lendlease formalised a joint venture partnership in February 2018.”
The GIBDT held a speed networking event in July 2018 which attracted over 35 Supply Nation Indigenous businesses. The event provided an opportunity for Indigenous businesses to engage directly with PSGH and Lendlease representatives as well as their subcontractors.
Troy and Alli explained “We were looking for Indigenous businesses to complete core construction works on the project: mainly civil and marine works. We were also looking for businesses to support those construction works – including office fit-out, PPE supply, first aid supply and workwear supply.”
“We were eager to engage Indigenous businesses directly, but we also wanted to set an example for our subcontractors to do the same.” Alli said.
Troy was pleased with the initial outcomes: “At the end of the two-hour event, we had successfully initiated over 30 conversations with Indigenous businesses. To date, 15 of these conversations have turned into formal business relationships directly with the GIBDT.”
This partnership has provided several opportunities for Indigenous suppliers to further their experience within the construction industry. GIBDT has engaged directly or indirectly (through subcontractors) with DDR Indigenous Contractors, Total Surveying Solutions, Orana Services, Cole Workwear, Cultural Choice, Fire Services Australia, Geared Up Culcha, Integrity Health and Safety, Kallico Catering, ONABAC, Yilay Group, Two-Way Cranes, Fenech Demolition and Construction and Weilwun.
“Having Indigenous businesses included in landmark projects like the Garden Island Project brings enormous benefits and will not only support growth in Indigenous businesses but also facilitate local community employment.” Troy explained.
“Indigenous engagement on the project has proven to be a satisfying challenge,” Alli Devlin explained. “In disrupting the typical construction procurement process, we have been able to reach new levels of Indigenous engagement. The biggest hurdle is often starting the conversation. Once started, you quickly realise the immense capability and competency of these Indigenous businesses.” she concluded.
Troy Rugless summed up: “Bringing PSGH and Lendlease together, and combining what they both do well, has provided great opportunities for Indigenous businesses – both new to us and those already engaged. We both look forward to long and lasting partnerships with every Indigenous business we have engaged on this project.”