Supplier Diversity September
Supplier Diversity September is a month-long initiative that Supply Nation holds annually to promote the benefits of supplier diversity and to showcase the range of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander businesses across Australia.
This year, we will be celebrating Supply Nation’s 15-year anniversary and highlighting the 2024 Supplier Diversity Award winners across our social media channels throughout the month. From Indigenous businesses and individuals to corporate organisations and government departments, the 2024 award winners have been recognised as leaders in their industries and are passionate about building a prosperous, vibrant and sustainable Indigenous business sector.
How to get involved:
- host a meet-the-buyer event and invite Indigenous businesses to attend
- download the Supplier Diversity September promotional pack
- include an article about Supplier Diversity September in your internal newsletter
- promote Indigenous businesses that are in your supply chain throughout September
- reshare Supply Nation’s dedicated #SupplierDiversitySeptember social posts across your social media channels
- use the #SupplierDiversitySeptember hashtag in your social posts to join the conversation online
- share your achievements and success stories across your social channels
- register for a Supply Nation First Step or Next Step training session (for members), to learn how to build an effective and successful supplier diversity program – log in to your member portal to view upcoming training
Supplier Diversity September promotional pack
We’ve created a range of resources to help you celebrate Supplier Diversity September, download the standard and colour versions of the below:
Version 1 (standard):
Version 2 (colour):