Research and Policy Briefs

Supply Nation Research and Policy Brief No. 5 – Making Indigenous friendly businesses: the impact of Indigenous managers

This Policy Brief provides a summary of the key findings from a review into the impact of Indigenous managers in non-Indigenous businesses to help close the employment gap.

Supply Nation Research and Policy Brief No. 4 – Measuring the holistic impacts of investing in Indigenous businesses: a knowledge review

This Policy Brief presents the findings of a brief literature review understanding the broader impacts of investing in Indigenous businesses. The findings from this review will inform the development of a framework to measure the personal, social, cultural, and environmental impacts of investing in Indigenous businesses.

Supply Nation Research and Policy Brief No. 3 – Indigenous employment in the Indigenous business sector

This Policy Brief and research is part of a wider research project examining why Indigenous-owned businesses hire a much larger proportion of Indigenous employees compared to non-Indigenous-owned businesses.

Supply Nation Research and Policy Brief No. 2 – Principles for designing post COVID-19 support programs for Indigenous business

This Policy Brief provides a summary of the key findings from a review into the existing support programs aimed at re-engaging individuals and businesses displaced due to COVID-19.

Supply Nation Research and Policy Brief No. 1 – Implications of COVID-19 for the Indigenous labour market

This Policy Brief focuses on the implications of COVID-19 for the Indigenous labour market and is a part of our research activities within Supply Nation’s Knowledge Hub to support the growth and long-term viability of the Indigenous business sector.