FAQs – members
As a member of Supply Nation, you can search Indigenous Business Direct which is located on our website. You can search by category, location or keyword and will be provided with a list of matching Indigenous businesses. Each business has a profile which includes contact details, capabilities and services.
As a member you have access to additional functionality through Indigenous Business Direct. Once you’re logged in, you can:
- create shortlists of suppliers and export this list to share in an excel format
- see additional content including number of employees, and turnover
Through membership, Supply Nation can assist your organisation to engage Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander owned businesses and help you incorporate them in your supply chain. The Federal Government, as well as many state governments have Indigenous participation policies which mandate and encourage Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander participation in the contracts and tenders they award. Procuring goods and services from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander businesses is a way to fulfil these participation requirements by simply redirecting your organisations spend to the traditionally underutilised Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander business sector.
The Federal Government Indigenous Procurement Policy, or IPP, as well as the various state-based policies each contain different requirements and targets. Your organisation should check requirements for each contract or tender.
No. Your organisation does not need a Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) to become a member of Supply Nation. Supply Nation works with organisations no matter where they are in their supplier diversity or reconciliation journey.
As an organisation that focuses on procurement outcomes, Supply Nation membership (as well as the engagement of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander businesses) falls under the ‘opportunities’ section of the RAP. If your organisation has a RAP, Supply Nation can assist you in fulfilling your organisation’s targets and actions outlined in the opportunities section.
For more information on RAPs, visit the Reconciliation Australia Website.
They are several options available to publicise your membership. These include;
- Downloading the Supply Nation member logo, and displaying it on your website, key marketing collateral and annual reports. Please refer to the brand usage guidelines for ways that your organisation can use the member logo.
- Use the internal memo and external media release templates that are provided to you by your Relationship Manager at your membership onboarding.
- Dedicate a page on your internal or external website to promote your commitment to supplier diversity and your Supply Nation membership.
- Use your social media platforms to participate in key supplier diversity campaigns like Supplier Diversity September or Indigenous Business Month in October.
- As a member, you can promote your membership by becoming a corporate sponsor of our annual supplier diversity conference, Connect, where you can maximise you brand exposure, and demonstrate your commitment to supplier diversity
- Consider creating case studies to showcase your partnerships with Indigenous businesses and the impact that has had
If you’d like to contribute more to Supply Nation’s mission and the growth of the Indigenous business sector, please contact your Relationship Manager.
Supply Nation registers and certifies incorporated joint venture businesses (JVs) and promotes them through Indigenous Business Direct. However, our organisation does not provide advice on establishing joint ventures.
Incorporated joint ventures must provide additional requirements in order to become registered or certified by Supply Nation. This includes a skills transference plan, as well as an Indigenous workforce plan. Templates of both of these documents can be provided by Supply Nation to assist the joint venture parties to become registered or certified. For more information on joint ventures, see Joint Venture FAQs.
No. Supply Nation membership is confined to one organisation’s procurement team and is defined by that organisation’s ABN. Only staff from the member organisation are able to access Supply Nation membership benefits. Subsidiaries must purchase their own membership to enjoy membership benefits, including using the use of the member logo.
Supply Nation offers discounted group company pricing for members with subsidiaries. Contact us to for more information.
Yes. It is a condition of membership (specified in the Terms and Conditions) that all members of Supply Nation must report Indigenous procurement spend with Supply Nation registered or certified Indigenous businesses. This must be done once a year at minimum, however, members are encouraged to report on a quarterly basis for a constant reflection and benchmarking with member peers.
Members must also submit spend reporting in order to be eligible for award nominations for our annual supplier diversity awards.
SpendTracker is an easy-to-use Supply Nation tool that allows you to easily report and reflect on your organisation’s spend over the years as well as demonstrates how you compare to your peers and other industries.
All spend reported with Supply Nation is de-identified and confidential. Supply Nation uses this data to collate information on the Indigenous Business Sector and track growth in spend to measure the impact Supply Nation members have had on the sector.
You can find information on Supply Nation events by visiting the events page on our website.
You can find information on specific events by logging into the Supply Nation member portal. You will find information about upcoming events at the bottom of your portal home page. Here, you will be able to register or purchase tickets through the links provided.
Yes. Trade Fairs for the Indigenous Business Trade Fairs that are delivered in conjunction with the NIAA (National Indigenous Affairs Agency) are free to attend and open as anyone who would like to attend.
However, tickets to Supply Nation’s flagship Connect Tradeshow in Sydney must be purchased through the Connect website.
Yes. We love promoting good news stories. If you would like to promote successful business partnerships with Indigenous businesses, please do so by getting in touch with your Relationship Manager.
Depending on the opportunity, Supply Nation may be able to assist in promoting a large tender, open panel or an invitation for expression of interest. Speak to your Relationship Manager about if this could apply to your organisation’s opportunities.
No. Supply Nation cannot recommend any business over another for you to work with. If you have sought your Relationship Manager’s assistance for a business match, your Relationship Manager will list all businesses eligible for the goods and services you require. Your Relationship Manager will narrow down the list of suppliers based on your geographic and/or other specifications provided.
Any organisation registered on the Australian Charities and Not-For-Profits Commission is eligible to opt-in for the Select membership provided their total annual revenue is $1B or less.
Select membership only provides access to Supply Nation data and does not include support from a Relationship Manager.
Not-for-Profit organisations that are not registered with the ACNC and/or their annual revenue exceeds $1B must opt in for a full membership.
You were given the contact details of a Relationship Manager when your Select membership commenced. You can contact this Relationship Manager if you need assistance with your account, navigating the portal, Indigenous Business Direct and/or the tools that come with membership. Select membership is a data access only membership and does not include access to dedicated supplier diversity support from a Relationship Manager.
If you purchase additional support through a customised product, this will include over the phone, email and in-person support. This can include quarterly meetings, however, the support packages may differ slightly from product to product. Each product is limited to a set number of hours to be consumed.
As a small not-for-profit organisation, we need to ensure that we can provide the best possible value to our members whilst retaining the ability to tailor services to the needs of each member. As such, we have capped the total amount of support hours allocated to your annual membership. This will ensure each member has equal opportunity to access the full breadth of resources through their Relationship Manager. The support hours allocated have been determined through careful consideration, testing and feedback from our members. Additional support can be purchased in time blocks for members that reach their allocated support hours before their membership year renews.
Yes. We have provided a guide on where support hours can be used to help ensure you optimise your access to the different areas of support Supply Nation provides. However, if your organisation needs more support in one area over another, this is customisable until the full amount of support hours per membership is reached. Core support hours do not roll over to your new year of membership.
If you have utilised all available support hours for your membership period, additional support services. You can view our additional products and services by clicking here. Support hours from additional support services can be rolled over to your new year of membership with Supply Nation.
No. The medium and large membership tiers have always offered the same services and engagement levels and are grounded on an organisation’s capacity to contribute to the broader supplier diversity ecosystem in Australia.
Your supplier diversity goals and objectives are led by your organisation. Supply Nation plays a support role in helping you achieve these goals in your organisation’s short and long-term supplier diversity journey. Supply Nation will work with members on a full membership to build a plan for your engagement with Supply Nation and include activities and commitments which will help your organisation to achieve your supplier diversity objectives.
All support time used will be documented by your Relationship Manager. As the primary contact for your organisation, you may decide to have internal requests for Supply Nation support channeled through you.
At membership renewal time, you will be given an Activity Time Tracker which details how your support hours were used through the year. This can also be requested throughout the year.
No. Within reason, your organisation can create an unlimited amount of user logins to access the Supply Nation portal and Indigenous Business Directory.
A scheduled engagement is a virtual or in person meeting that has been arranged in advance.
Members of Supply Nation have access to greater functionality than non-members. As well as being able to create short-lists, save businesses of interest and share these short lists with others in your organisation, the member-only features of Indigenous Business Direct also includes access to additional supplier information such as:
- supplier certifications
- full time employees
- Indigenous full time employees
- business type and
- revenue band.
At the time of joining or renewal, we will assess how many companies within your group of companies are currently members. This will determine the discount that is applied to your membership. Members are not reimbursed part of their membership fee if other companies in their group join at a later date within the year. The discounts can only be applied at the time of joining or at membership renewal time. We suggest encouraging as many companies to join at the same time to maximise the discounts available.